Sunday, June 17, 2007

Day 7:

Guess what, we never thought we would leave this beautiful place. But well, even the longest feast on earth comes to an end, so with farewells and more last minute photos and email collections, we leave. Customs officer comes just as we check in. Must be the first flight we are on. Airport security is bloody lax. Buy some iced chocolate from a boutigue coffee store and some of us check out the duty free shopping before our time was up. First time we met the other Thailand group in a week. They really look like dead people. Flight leaves for Bangkok, take more last minute photos, and we are off. Bangkok airport, 2 hours transit time, 1020 hours check in. Shop around, look for stuff to buy and I was convinced the only thing worth buying was choco and bananas, 3 times the price here in Bangkok airport. People buying stuff, and I check out a book called Thailand's last executioner. Andrew tries to buy stuff for his mom, enlists the help of Debs and Jia. So well.... I was broke, and did not buy anything. Debs tries to get a present for our generous donor of $3000 and struggles. I really cannot help.. Time to check in and we take some last pics with my Tasmaninan Devil and Vick(s) reindeer that Han An so generously bought for him. On board the plane, Han An really pisses me off telling me that I shouldn't buy that devil and I lash out really bad... He answers in a pretty stupid manner, making me even angrier. Lunch on board the plane was good. Plane was nice, Satay rice for lunch. Good service, free 2 packs of cards. Satay rice runs out and a few lucky guys get to eat business class food. Beef and potatoes. wow. Changi Airport, fast clearance and we are back on Singapore soil with Starhub reception. Family members waiting at the airport makes us feel unforgotten. It has been a fun 7 days. Really.


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